Treviso, 40 Km far from Abano, is the seat of the so called "Marca Gioiosa".
40 Km far from Abano, is the seat of the so called "Marca Gioiosa". The city, rounded by the sixteenth century walls, attract the tourist not thanks to an especial monument but to its totality, its coloured buildings, the elegant palaces and the slow and placid flow of the water of its river, the Sile, that runs slowly through the historical centre.
Also, the province is rich in well-known places: for the fine cuisine and for the wine production appreciate all over the world, we just wish to mention Valdobbiadene, country of the famous Prosecco, but also Montebelluna, Montello. You can breathe history between the walls of Castelfranco, Conegliano and Vittorio Veneto. Finally, there is also the Terraglio, the ancient avenue lined with trees that connects Treviso to Venice, on whose sides wonderful Venetian villas rise.